Project Overview

The online vehicle reservation system is a web based online platform. User can register on this platform which is also called customer. Customer can find out suitable services for vehicle and get in touch with the vehicle service center. Customer can share his vehicle details and can schedule appointments for their vehicle service maintenance.
On the other side, the vehicle service center can register on website as a service provider and can enlist his services and details about the worker. Vehicle service station when receive a service request from the user sends his worker for user vehicle service maintenance.
Also, the customer receive notification through email upon confirmation/cancellation of his booking from service station and can also rate services of vehicle station.

Adopted Methodology


 “Combination of water fall and spiral methodology.
It is also called hybrid approach of system development”

Use Case Diagram

User Personas

Style Guide

Designing of User Interface

MacBook Pro 14_ - 1

Other Website Pages UI Design

User Dashboard

Service Station Admin Dashboard

Project Development

Video Walkthrough

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